Miracle Fruit Project

21 Dec

So i am wanting to try some new plants in 2013 and miracle fruit is one of them. I found Ethans Garden and also another site Fruit Lovers that sell the seeds. I ordered my plants from Ethans Garden and hope to get them soon. Granted it's the holidays so they might not show up for a while. I will post back when i get them.

In doing some research i found on instructions on how to grow your own miracle fruit. They mentioned using Gibberellic acid and when i called and talked to the guys at Ethans Garden i asked them about germination and they mentioned that some people had used Gibberellic acid, not that they had. I brought up germenation because the article had mentioned germination challanges and that is a place to purchase the Gibberellic acid.

I am not going to do the gibberellic acid on this go. If i don't have good success rate i will try it next time. But for now i feel i can get enought of the plants to germinate without the gibberellic acid.

Now i just have to figure out where in my house i can put these. I might have to give away some of my other plants. :-D

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