Fedora 17 Enlightenment Yum Repo

29 Nov

More update for my enlightenment yum repo for fedora 17. I have created a rpm package to install the Enlightenment.repo file and also the gpg pub key. The packages are now signed and will be signed from now on.

yum install

I also built a new 17 test machine to test out the install and found that selinux will prevent enlightenment from starting up on the initial startup. I put it in permissive mode and it was able to start. I put it back to enforcing and it worked fine, then restarted with it in default enforcing and i was still able to get into e17.


In other news i am also bulding 386 and x86_64 machines for Fedora 18. I will post the info on how to install them when i am done, only for those wanting ot test the Fedora 18 beta.

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