I have the following apple script to mount samba shares from a Linux Samba server to the Mac OS Sierra
repeat with i from 1 to 5
do shell script "ping -o -t 2 server.ip.address"
exit repeat
on error
delay 5
if i = 5 then error number -128
end try
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
mount volume "smb://username@server/sharae1"
mount volume "smb://username@server/sharae2"
end try
end tell
The reason i'm pinging the server is because the network is slow to start on the Mac. If yours is fast just remove that part.
I found the Script Editor in Applications/Utilities. Save the script then Export it as Application. I did not select any other options.
I am running the Samba 3.6.25 version installed via brew.