Fedora 19 RPMS for Enlightenment 0.17.4 and EFL 1.7.8

03 Aug

I am putting the finishing touches on the Feodra 19 RPMS. When you start you will want to disable the splash screen. Read this post in the e-users mailing list. I had the issue when i was testing and found that post with the solution for now.


Stephen Haffly reported this issue to me:

Your display server does not support XComposite, or Ecore-X was built 
without XComposite support.
Note that for composite support you will also need XRender and XFixes 
support in X11 and Ecore.


I have fixed that with the builds. Also someone talked about dual screens being used as one big screen. That is also fixed. When i resolved the build issue that Stephen reported that issue was resolved as well.


I also fixed the Connman Obsolete issue. So you should be able to have both NetworkManager and Connman installed at the same time.

I do not have a Fedora 18 machine, but if i get enough requests i can easily build these packages for 18 as well. Just let me know if you thing it's worth while. Fedora 17 i will not be building packages for, unless someone pays me. :-D

Thanks for using Enligtenment and providing me feedback to make the packages and apps work better. I am looking at packaging up some of the games that are developed with EFL.


Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology