Take your best shot by Austin Gutwein and Todd Hillard

04 Oct

So i got my new book Saturday "Take your best shot". This is the story behind Hoops of Hope and how it got started. Not only about how it got started but the impact that it has had on people since it's inception. This story shows that no matter what your age God can use youCover Shot of "Take Your Best Shot" to do His will. I picked up this book because i saw that not many people had done reviews on it. I also am a person that likes to read about peoples "real life" experiences. Take your best shot was a very refreshing read. Austin keeps it real and talks about the challenges he has faced in his journey. The pain of body in completing the first goal, to how pride has tried to creep into his thoughts. Now at the end of each chapter is a question section where you can write in the book. Now i don't write in my books but i did answer the questions. The questions also reflect to scripture and challenge the reader to  read the verses and to write their thoughts about that verse.  Personally i am at the point in my life where i have come to realize that it's not all about me. I want to do something that will change the lives of those around me.

I heard the other day that there are two things you are remembered for 1. The problems you create, 2. The problems you solve. I want to be a part of the team that solves problems. As i was reading this book i knew Austin is one of the people that solves problems. He saw a problem and used what he could to help address that problem. In the book Take your best shot, Austin does not sugar coat it at all, the highlights, struggles and challenges are written about as well. I am happy that i got this book, and am reading it again to my daughter. I want her to know that with God nothing is impossible. Also i want her to know that others out in the world her age are doing mightily things for the kingdom. This book has challenged me to do more as well.

So Maiya keep up the good work. I will add you to my prayers that God will continue to guide you and bless you in your ministry. It's good knowing that the next generation has leaders in such as yourself. I know more will be joining your ranks.

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