Trip two done
Well i am now done with the second trip of the year, and let me tell u it was allot of fun. Man did the weekend just go supper fast. I read Ted Dekkers book, Black. It was a really good read, and i could not wait to get Red. Red is book 2 in the trilogy. I did not get that many pics of the trip this time. There was more work to do. John and i were the only dive master or above divers on the trip. I had allot of work 2 do this time.
All in all it was a great trip i did not want to come home. I could have stayed there for a week. I enjoyed being in my "Dog House". The Dog house was a small room... i am not sure if it was even that, on the top level of the boat. I was the only one in it so it was called the dog house. And i was the bad dog that got sent to the dog house.
The people on the trip were are blast. They were so funny, and a lively group. Well that is all for now i am goin 2 get back 2 work.
All in all it was a great trip i did not want to come home. I could have stayed there for a week. I enjoyed being in my "Dog House". The Dog house was a small room... i am not sure if it was even that, on the top level of the boat. I was the only one in it so it was called the dog house. And i was the bad dog that got sent to the dog house.
