29 Oct
So i have been working with the PHPEclipse project, and have been working with scorphus on making a new doc manual for the new 1.2.0 release. I was doing the generator in php and was getting a good way into it. Well now the team have done there own. So being smart, and lazy i am going to check out there code and see if i cannot use it to build our docs. I am making this entry so i can link to there site. So now that this is here i can now look at this tonight and see how much work it will take to use there code to generate our docs. What fun this will be. In other news, i get allot of spam in my blog posts, so i have disabled them for new posts. The new system that i am working will try to rectify this issue. What good is a blog if people cannot post to it? So the second thing i will be working on is a system to filter out the spam... i am thinking about tying it in with spamassassin. But not sure if that will work or not. But it cannot hurt to try.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


What's going on

27 Oct
Well i have finally had it. I cannot stand having my blog in a MySQL database. I have started to work on a blog system that will not be dependent on a particular database. Because i don't want to create another blog system that has the same problem that pushed me away from the system that i am currently using. Also the new system will be licensed under the LGPL.
Why, well because i have several projects that are just for me that will not be release as OSS, and i cannot find a blog system that i can integrated into the projects. If it was released as LGPL i could do it and not have to release my project as OSS. This is what i understand about the GPL license on other systems. The blog system that i would use i would integrate there code into my project, which i believe would require me to release my code as OSS.
Also my projects use PostgreSQL as the primary database, and the blog systems that i have found only work with MySQL. So creating a new blog system that is built to work with many different database systems, and also licensed under the LGPL will allow others to integrate it into there own project that is not OSS and use the database of there choice... all tho i don't see myself supporting anything from the evil empire anytime soon, but someone could create the ddl's to get it to work, and it's only a setting to get the blog to attach to the db.
So things on the site will change here soon when i get the posts that i have ported over, and get the display module built.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


Postgresql uuid native

28 Aug
Something i found cool today was the native uuid generator for postgresql. i use uuid allot and have a php function to generate uuid values for me. I guess now i can use this. I am downloading the code, and will give it a test drive on a project that i am working on. I found that for fedora 7 you can yum install uuid-pgsql. very easy install. But i am not sure this this is based off the same worked linked to above. Update 1: I am having problems loading the module, and found that there is another project on It will be built into the next postgresql release, per xzilla on postgresql irc channel

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


Cool game link

07 Aug
This is a cool little game that you can play. blox It's allot of fun.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology