Still working Hard

23 Sep
Well i have been working hard, almost to the burnout stage. I have taken a few nights off from working on programs just to give my brain a rest. I am feeling better now, and starting to get more excited about programing again. So i think this weekend i will get back at it.

I have one more dive trip that i know about coming up here in two weeks. I still need to get the bathroom done in my house. Had some things that set me back. It was not good.

Nicole and i are doing great. She is sooooo astonishing. I am very happy when i am with her, or when i think about her. I admire her so much. She is so great to me. She is the best. Her and i go so well together. I get to see her tonight, and hang out. We don't get to see much of each other from Tuesday to Friday, but that hopefully will change soon. She is working on finding a job closer to where i live. So i hope she finds one and moves over this way.

Well i best get going. I have allot i need to get done for the day. I am still wanting to get Drivel to work with b2evolution. But it's on the back burner.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


My Blog was broke.

12 Aug
Well i just found out that my blog was broke. And broke for more than what i thought. A friend of mine tiped me off to it. So now things are back and working. Eveyone should be able to post comments, and other things. I am still going to hack b2evolution and get some more atom/blogger2 support. I am going to use BloGTK and Drivel as my test platform to make sure what i do works. So i will get another project up on my Tech page that will link to the source code and instructions.


Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


new direction

04 Aug
So i have taken the last few days to think about what i want to do with this blog software and extending b2evolution. Well i have decided on going the Atom/blogger 2.0 API direction. There is allot of reading that i will need to do, but i think it will be better and more usable to others in the long run. I will keep BloGTK the way it is, but i will not submit the changes that i have made to the developers. I will just add Atom to it, and that will hopefully get Drivel to work as well. I will first see if anyone is working on Atom support. I saw a little in the xmlsrv directory, but i think it's just for serving up posts, and nothing further. However i do really like the changes that i have made. It's made posting allot easier.

Till next time.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology



31 Jul

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology