Enlightenment e17 Alpha6

27 Nov

I built the new Alpha6 of enlightenment e17. You can use the yum repo to update to it. Also i have been working on learning how to get the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries along with e17 into Fedora. But until then if you want a quick and easy way to use enlightenment you can get it from the repo i have mentioned before.


If you can't get the update and you have used the repo before do a yum clean metadata then update enlightenment. Also make sure that you update e_modues-engage as well, that is if you are using it.

Other than that not much to report.



Posted ed_mann in Open Source


Enlightenment Fedora RPM Repo - updated

23 Nov

So i updated the packages again and you can get the elf library 1.7.2 with enlightenment alpha 4. I also added in terminology.

You will need to use the same repo. And sorry this is only for x86_64 systems right now.

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/Enlightenment.repo
name=Enlightenment for Fedora $releasever

So enjoy!


Posted ed_mann in Open Source


Enlightenment Fedora RPM Repo

21 Nov

So i have been holding out on people in having an easy way to try out Enlightenment  on their Fedora 17 systems. I wrote a very generic and non-error checking script to build Enlightenment and the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. I have been using this method to update my work and home machines and not having to build on two different systems. Also if i tired it on one and it did not work i then did not update the second system.

I do my builds on a vm instance of Fedora 17. That way if i wreck it it's an easy recovery from a snapshot i do before the build. So here is the repo info you will need to use the packages i have built. I have not gpg signed these packages. I have the docs on how to do it and i will get it done if i get a response that people will actually be using this repo.


cat /etc/yum.repos.d/Enlightenment.repo
name=Enlightenment for Fedora $releasever


I was planning on pinging the manager for Enlightenment on the Fedora project, i have just been to busy to get around to it.

Please let me know if this is repo is usefull to you. I should also post a screenshot or a video or something to show how nice e17 really is. The new default theme in alpha3 is really nice, there is currently some problems with building alpha4. From the mailing list they are working on how to resolve this.


Posted ed_mann in Open Source


Freedos book usb stick

10 Aug

I am copying this verbatim from website. I am posting it here because one it's easier for me to find in the future, second things seem to go away on the web. And who said it was forever. :-)


Procedure (assumptions for this description: balder10.img is in CWD, stick appears as /dev/sdc):

  • Insert memory stick (Caution: all data on this stick will be destroyed)
  • Find out device name (e.g. /dev/sdc)
  • Make sure it's not mounted (check with mount command)
  • Clear the MBR:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1012 count=2
  • Boot qemu:
    qemu -curses -boot a -fda ./balder10.img -hda /dev/sdc
    The -curses option will make it run in text mode.
    (This way you can run qemu easily eg. over an ssh connection.)
  • Answer all questions with their default values
  • At the A:\> prompt:
    (create a bootable, primary DOS partition)
  • Stop qemu
  • Remove memory stick and re-insert it.
  • Make sure it's still /dev/sdc, otherwise use new name in the next steps.
  • Make sure again that it is not mounted.
  • Boot qemu:
    qemu -curses -boot a -fda ./balder10.img -hda /dev/sdc
  • At the A:\> prompt:
    format c: /s
  • At the A:\> prompt:
    xcopy a: c: /n /e
  • Stop qemu

Done! Now you can mount the stick again and copy any required utilities on it ...



Posted ed_mann in Open Source