First Enlightenment App

01 Apr

Well Enlightenment has come a long ways. I remember getting e16 over 10 years ago and i thought it was awesome back then. It has only gotten better. I have been following the progress over the years and have tried e17 several times. Well now it looks like e17 is getting stable and a new stable release will be out. Now it may be another year i don't know, but things are looking very good.

I have two apps that i want to do the first is a gui front-end for notmuchmail. And the other is just a personal project to see if something is very feasible. I will give more input once i have it in a viewable state, right now it would be labelled as vaporware.


Posted ed_mann in Open Source


gnome gtk system-tray in C

16 Feb

I was looking for a simple tutorial on how to make system tray icon in C. Well i found this page and tried the example. Just needed to add <gtk/gtk.h> to the include and it compiled and worked just fine. I am adding it here so

  1.  it's easier for me to find when i actually need it again,
  2. sites tend to disappear on the net, so this is my backup copy.

#include <gtk/gtk.h>

void tray_icon_on_click(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon,
                        gpointer user_data)
        printf("Clicked on tray icon\n");

void tray_icon_on_menu(GtkStatusIcon *status_icon, guint button,
                       guint activate_time, gpointer user_data)
        printf("Popup menu\n");

static GtkStatusIcon *create_tray_icon() {
        GtkStatusIcon *tray_icon;

        tray_icon = gtk_status_icon_new();
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tray_icon), "activate",
                         G_CALLBACK(tray_icon_on_click), NULL);
                         G_CALLBACK(tray_icon_on_menu), NULL);
                                    "Example Tray Icon");
        gtk_status_icon_set_visible(tray_icon, TRUE);

        return tray_icon;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        GtkStatusIcon *tray_icon;

        gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
        tray_icon = create_tray_icon();

        return 0;


Posted ed_mann in Open Source


Oracle PDO_OCI PHP install fedora CentOS

08 Oct
Well i run a mix of CentOS and Fedora machines, and at work i needed to run some reports from an Oracle DB. I really don't care much for Oracle, but i needed to get the data, and since i don't like having to do the same thing over again i thought i would just throw together a PHP page and let the user run the canned report themselves. However getting Oracle to install on CentOS and my Fedora boxes was not a simple yum install...

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


Take your best shot by Austin Gutwein and Todd Hillard

04 Oct
I heard the other day that there are two things you are remembered for 1. The problems you create, 2. The problems you solve. I want to be a part of the team that solves problems. As i was reading this book i knew Austin is one of the people that solves problems. He saw a problem and used what he could to help address that problem. In the book Take your best shot, Austin does not sugar coat it at all, the highlights, struggles and challenges are written about as well.

Posted ed_mann in Reviews