Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager

20 Jul
Just wanted to make a quick post about this cool app that i have found called Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager or GSTM. It allows you to create ssh tunnels to other machines. I use it when i want to get into my development server from the office. It works really well. GSTM

In other news.

I now need to update my blog software. I really should get this done. I also need to update my photo album.

I really enjoy being married. My wife is the best.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


More Time

03 Jun

I wish i had more time to do stuff. Well today i just sat around the house and played on the computer with thoggen a dvd backup utility. I like to put my movies down to other files so i can stream them to my media box upstairs. I think maybe i will upgrade that machine to Fedora Core 5. I will need to research my video drivers first. I don't want to mess up my dvd player. Now that i think about it i just might wait. It's not broke so why fix it.

Allot of people don't know this but i got married back in December 05. It's been great being married. I am also the step-dad to a great little girl. She is a blast to hang out with. We were washing the jeep today, and i let her hold the spray gun. This is at one of those car washes. I changed the setting, and she pulled back on the trigger and that sprayer took of like a rocket. It was so funny. I should have warned her. She was a trooper, after she stopped running, i was laughing trying to get the runaway hose, she was like i'm okay it's just water. She did a little more work after that.

Earlier this year i was laid off my job that i had, then i started working for a small company doing php development. It has been a learning experience. God has keep a roof over my head and food on the table. He has not left me at all. I did not worry when i was losing my job. I know that God cares allot about me and has a plan for my life. He got me to where i am, and i know that He's not just going to leave me when times get tough. Well tough for a human. In His position He sees it all, so it's nothing to Him.

There is so much that i want to do, and don't have time for. I think i am going to put my blog index page on the front page of my web site. That way i don't have to try and keep it updated, and the site looks like something is happening. There are allot of other things on the site that i don't use that much anymore, so i will remove them.


Posted ed_mann in My Life


fuse sshfs

30 May
Well working with fuse i needed to get nautilus my gnome file browser to let me edit the files. Well after doing a little search on google, i decided i would just look at the --help output from the file itself. Low and behold there was my answer. So for future record this is how you do it. Get the uid and gid of the user you are going to mount from. So in the terminal do id -u id -g this will give you your local uid and gid. So if my local uid and gid were 512 i would do the following.
sshfs -o uid=512,gid=512 me@myremoteserver:/remote/mount/path /local/mount/path
That should do it.
Posted on an Ubuntu Blog
If you run the following command it will get the uid and gid for you.
sshfs -o uid=`id -u`,gid=`id -g` me@myremoteserver:/remote/mount/path /local/mount/path

For scripts this will work the best i think.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


Still working Hard

23 Sep
Well i have been working hard, almost to the burnout stage. I have taken a few nights off from working on programs just to give my brain a rest. I am feeling better now, and starting to get more excited about programing again. So i think this weekend i will get back at it.

I have one more dive trip that i know about coming up here in two weeks. I still need to get the bathroom done in my house. Had some things that set me back. It was not good.

Nicole and i are doing great. She is sooooo astonishing. I am very happy when i am with her, or when i think about her. I admire her so much. She is so great to me. She is the best. Her and i go so well together. I get to see her tonight, and hang out. We don't get to see much of each other from Tuesday to Friday, but that hopefully will change soon. She is working on finding a job closer to where i live. So i hope she finds one and moves over this way.

Well i best get going. I have allot i need to get done for the day. I am still wanting to get Drivel to work with b2evolution. But it's on the back burner.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology