Things are still sooo GOOOD!!!

31 Jul
Well things are still good. I have just finished working about a little under a month on a new program. It's kinda cool the way it works, and i like it so far. But like all the programs i write, i think i will look back on it in a few months/year and think... I cannot believe that i wrote that. Oh well. That's just the way it goes. I used allot of javascript in this one. The rest was written in php.

Well this will be my first post on this machine from home, using my edited version of BloGTK. One thing that i did not test was the Category setting. So this will be it. If this post is in Computers and Technology, then i have to fix it. If it's in My Life, then things are working. Well i am going to get going 2 bed. I want to get up in the morning and get to work before noon :-) HA!! HAA!! . No i need to check on some servers and get some code uploaded to a server.

I also hacked my b2evolution xmlrpc.php file. I think i should look at the atom api and extend b2evolution to use that. But first i will talk to the community and see where they are going. I don't want to be going in the opposite direction. I don't like doing allot of work and no one needing the results but myself.

Well enough. I am going 2 bed.

Posted ed_mann in My Life



31 Jul

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology



30 Jul
Well i now have BloGTK update working. It will let you post an entry into your blog, and also do drafts. I think maybe i should make a drop down box and add other functions. Who knows. Well i need to go hunt down some other things that don't work and get them going.

Have a nice day.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


Working Hard

30 Jul
Well i am testing BlogGTK. I have added a few functions that let me post without having to type in a bunch of stuff, or remembering what blog id number and category number i am wanting to post to. This is pretty cool. But there are some things that i need to work out. But it's cool so far.

Posted ed_mann in My Life