Well this will be my first post on this machine from home, using my edited version of BloGTK. One thing that i did not test was the Category setting. So this will be it. If this post is in Computers and Technology, then i have to fix it. If it's in My Life, then things are working. Well i am going to get going 2 bed. I want to get up in the morning and get to work before noon :-) HA!! HAA!! . No i need to check on some servers and get some code uploaded to a server.
I also hacked my b2evolution xmlrpc.php file. I think i should look at the atom api and extend b2evolution to use that. But first i will talk to the community and see where they are going. I don't want to be going in the opposite direction. I don't like doing allot of work and no one needing the results but myself.
Well enough. I am going 2 bed.