Things are going good

10 Jul
So i have been working allot on programs at work, and also on some things on the side. I have found this new programing system called Laszlo. It targets Flash 6 player and it's really cool. I am going to be working on some projects just to learn how to do things. I see that i can add php into it to pull data from a file. I think i can write it so that it pulls stuff from a database. I am really excited about this. Also i have been reading a few more good books. I just got done with a skeleton in God's closet. It was really cool. I also read a book about Bethany Hamilton. She has here own website at Her book is called soul surfer. It's pretty cool. It was a good read. I am going to pass it on to some friends.
There is so much stuff that i want to code up and finish, that i just don't think i have the time to get it all done. I am still praying that i get a very good wakeboard boat. I just feel that it will happen in it's time. God has a plan for my life, and as i listen more to Him, and draw closer i am starting to see it. And it is very good. B)
Well i am going to get going. My girlfriend is the best. I am so blessed to have her in my life. I love her very much. She is so great. Her and her little girl and i went to go play mini-golf, and the little girl spent more time playing in the water than playing golf. It was good to see that. Her and i will get along great. I really like being in the water, under it, or pulled across the top of it. So we can have allot of fun here in the future.
Well that's it for now.


Posted ed_mann in My Life


Warm Weather is finally here!!! YA!

11 May
It's so nice out, it's great. Boy do i enjoy the spring/summer time. I have been out riding my motorcycle, what a blast. Also the top is off the jeep, and i still have not posted pics of the new jeep. I will do it someday. Also the work on the house is going slow. That's because i have not made up my mind on what i am going to do with the bathroom. All i need to do is order a sink. But i don't want to spend a fortune, but then i don't want to get junk. Oh well i guess i will just have to pony up and pay for the one that i really like. But i think i will still keep looking around. I do however want to get the shower done. I am not liking the way it is now. Oh well. I did find the tile that i want for the floor. So that is good. And this weekend the ceiling is coming out. I am just going to put in a new ceiling as well. I will be busy on the house here for the next few months. I have not went on a dive trip, besides FL. So i am starting to get the itch. Well that's enough for now.


Posted ed_mann in My Life


Posting Again

29 Apr
Well things have been going well. My girlfriend is so great. I started to work on things around the house since i started to date her. I guess i spend more time at home now, and want to have a nice pad for the lady. It's been great dating her. She is so easy to get along with. I love her so much. She still has to get certified in scuba, but she does like it. We were in the pool a little.
Well i am still no further on the bathroom. I am stuck on what i want to do with the floor. I am going to stop in a place today and see if they have anything that i will want to use. But i'm not sure. I still have not posted the pictures. But i will hopefully this weekend.
Well that is all for now. I will post again l8er.
See Ya!

Posted ed_mann in My Life


Home Improvement

25 Apr
The house that i live in now is my first home. I have been in it for a little over 3 years now. So i have had this problem in the bathroom where the liner over the tub had gotten water in between it and the tub. It was very squishy. Also the panel that was put up next to the window had pulled away and water would run down it. Well some friends of mine that do construction come over and helped me frame in the window. Then i spent the rest of the day pulling the wall out of the bathroom. I have several areas in the house that i want to remodel, and i chose the bathroom to do first. I have some pictures that i will post when i get them off the camera, tomorrow night i want to go get the sink and the toilet. But i am not sure i might get them later in the week. I need to go pick up the flooring that i want to use in the room. Also i called to have the plumber come in and do some work on the plumbing. There's more to the story than this, but this is all i'm going to post for now.

Posted ed_mann in My Life