Bacula Backup System

19 Nov
Saturday i did my first install of Bacula backup software. I have to say that the install was easy, and i was able to get a backup going in a relatively short amount of time. Granted i played around allot with it to see what it would do. I did this work for Riverside Community Church in Peoria, Illinois. Using a Dell Powervault 124T. The only problem i have is i cannot get the mtx tool to export the tape to the import/export slot. I am going to open a case with Dell on it, supposedly that unit does not adhere to the eepos command sets. So that stinks. I cannot automate the ejection of tapes at the moment, however everything else with the unit worked great.
As i said the install of Bacula was very easy. I had to build the rpms myself, but since i do that allot with other software i utilize it was not that hard. I should post the links. I am using CentOs 4 on that machine, but on my own hardware i have CentOs 5 so builds will come for that as well.
I am thinking about writing a gui setup tool. I have been doing more Java lately, but Bacula has Python extensions, so i think Python will be what i will use. I have to pace myself, PHPEclipse is about to release the new 1.2.0. This has been on the agenda for some time now. And i want to do more development on that application for the next release.
It is my goal to get some tape hardware in for my own business and move away from disk based storage. Currently i am using Amanda but have started to dislike it more and more. At my day job i use Tivoli Backup Storage and like the ability to run a backup when i need to from a specific host. I have not found a way to do that with Amanda, but i have not looked that much either. Well i need to go move some servers. So i am gone.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


More Books

19 Nov
I have been trying to review the books that i have read, but i have not been keeping up. I just finished The Personified Project. Oh and before i read that one i read The Proof, Mars Hill Classified. And i am currently on Slandering Jesus. I will most likely finish that one up tonight, and try to catch up on my postings. Between spending time with the family, working during the day, and trying to program applications for clients and myself, i stay busy.
Also i still want to get the posting of the very good news that i have to share. Also i have started to look for new books to read, right now i have a call in for Dark Things. The book store needs to tell me if they have it, if not i will order it online.
I cannot wait for Tim Downs new book First the Dead to arrive. It's one that i will get the day it comes out. I enjoy reading Tim's works. I have read both Bug Man books Shoofly Pie and Chop Shop. Also i have consumed his other two books outside of the Bugman series Plague Maker which Dr. Nick Polchak has a cameo and Head Games.
Tim Downs has other works outside of fiction, and i am going to pick up those items as well. I just need to get the books i have read.
Now back to work for me.

Posted ed_mann in Book Reviews & Sites


Junk e-mail filter

14 Nov
Well i am looking at expanding my junk-email filter system, and this guy has developed some techniques to combat spam. is a solution provider. I have been thinking about doing something like this with my e-mail system, but have been working to much on the dlzSync tool. The link does not work just yet, but it should be up in a week or so. Still working on porting over the blog system. Don't know how much longer before i get the first demo up. Also i have some other personal news that i want to share. I need to get that post up as well.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


Demon Hunter

07 Nov

This band simply rocks. I have all their albums and with the latest "Storm the Gates of Hell" they get even better. What i do like is finding the "Behind the song" stuff. I am not sure if all these links are correct, as in there content is really from DH, but i will list them here. If they are wrong let me know. Here is the link to the lyrics and story behind the song. Don't forget to check out Demon Hunter on MySpace. Get the album and rock out.


Posted ed_mann in My Life