Working like crazy Bind Dlz Sync

07 Nov
So i have been working on a Bind Dlz sync software solution. It has been going very well, and i have learned allot. I plan on having the documentation done this week in beta form. I am going to post it here and a link on the Bind Dlz mailing list.
For those of you who don't know what Bind Dlz(Bind Dynamic Loaded Zone). Bind Dlz is simply Bind with a database to hold it's zone files. So when you update the database your DNS server has the changes right away. So there is now no need to edit zone config files and restart bind.
Granted the setup with Bind and Postgresql was easy. Since we have a custom front-end that handles making the experience more user friendly we needed to create a view that bind could select from that would give it all the data it needed. This was fine for our first go at it, but the performance of using Postgresql or MySql as the backed database was not terrible but also not the best. And knowing i like a good challenge i opted to build a tool that would sync from our Postgresql database and the Berkeley Database that i wanted to use with bind.
So now what we have is a very alpha stage version of BindDlzSync. It's a java app that runs on a port that you specify waiting for a connection. You can connect to it send it some formated XML it will parse the xml and update the database as needed. But it gets better. Since i have a public view and a private view i needed to be able to update these two different views, but do it in a way that was easy and expandable.
So what you can do with BindDlzSync is in the config file for the app you can specify different view databases to load. So right now i have public and private. In the Web Managment UI when you add a host you can pick which view that host belongs to. Also the editor allows you to add many hosts before a commit. That way if you have a host that needs to be in both private and public, but you need to change the ip address you can add it once, change the ip and view then add it again before having to click save. Or you can just add and clear and add in a different host. I will post a video of how the whole thing works. It's very nice, but needs some refinement.
Some things left to do is ip checking for a view. What this will do is insure that someone does not try to add a ip address to a view that should not have it.
There are some other features that i want to add, i will list them later.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


The Hunted (Every Man Series)

06 Nov
I finished the book The Hunted and i have to say it was good. It was not something that i think was awesome, but it was a good read. I really got into it at the end, but i don't want to give it away for people that have not read it yet. Reading the first sentence of the book you are thrown into a high pace escape. I was really excited about that i like action. The only problem i had was that every other chapter would alternate to a time in the past. It served it's purpose, and it was a good way to inform the reader on how the men got to the place they were at, but like i said i like action, and the break was getting old soon for me. Closer to the end of the book that ends because you know have the entire back story.
I like the fact that the book deals with faith. Also the areas where we can stumble in our life, and how Christians are called to forgive. I did not like it that the authors passed a scripture verse that calls for people not to kill. I can see where this is an issue for some. I have found the reference if you use the King James Version of the bible it is found in the following chapters/verses Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 5:21, Romans 13:9. However if it was translated correct it would be "Thou shall not murder".
I don't think self preservation is considered murder. It's survival kill or be killed. Allot of people think that God/Jesus said don't kill.. but it's really murder. This was the only problem that really got me about this book. In my opinion the authors dropped the ball here, and tried to invent a shame that one of the characters could have to relate to the other character that had done something very wrong. But i do see "thou shall not kill" as a miss-interpretation with many Christians. With knowing that i can see why the authors could justify writing that in.
I will give this book 3 out of 5, and i am glad that i read it, but i don't like spreading false interpretations on to others. I just could not let that part go. It really got me reading it in the book. Maybe i am putting to much on one little section, but it's something that i am against. Dealing with faith, and how some people have never put there faith in a position to be tested was well addressed. I deal with that part myself.
When comments are added maybe you will be able to post back what you think about the book.

Posted ed_mann in Book Reviews & Sites



29 Oct
So i have been working with the PHPEclipse project, and have been working with scorphus on making a new doc manual for the new 1.2.0 release. I was doing the generator in php and was getting a good way into it. Well now the team have done there own. So being smart, and lazy i am going to check out there code and see if i cannot use it to build our docs. I am making this entry so i can link to there site. So now that this is here i can now look at this tonight and see how much work it will take to use there code to generate our docs. What fun this will be. In other news, i get allot of spam in my blog posts, so i have disabled them for new posts. The new system that i am working will try to rectify this issue. What good is a blog if people cannot post to it? So the second thing i will be working on is a system to filter out the spam... i am thinking about tying it in with spamassassin. But not sure if that will work or not. But it cannot hurt to try.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology


What's going on

27 Oct
Well i have finally had it. I cannot stand having my blog in a MySQL database. I have started to work on a blog system that will not be dependent on a particular database. Because i don't want to create another blog system that has the same problem that pushed me away from the system that i am currently using. Also the new system will be licensed under the LGPL.
Why, well because i have several projects that are just for me that will not be release as OSS, and i cannot find a blog system that i can integrated into the projects. If it was released as LGPL i could do it and not have to release my project as OSS. This is what i understand about the GPL license on other systems. The blog system that i would use i would integrate there code into my project, which i believe would require me to release my code as OSS.
Also my projects use PostgreSQL as the primary database, and the blog systems that i have found only work with MySQL. So creating a new blog system that is built to work with many different database systems, and also licensed under the LGPL will allow others to integrate it into there own project that is not OSS and use the database of there choice... all tho i don't see myself supporting anything from the evil empire anytime soon, but someone could create the ddl's to get it to work, and it's only a setting to get the blog to attach to the db.
So things on the site will change here soon when i get the posts that i have ported over, and get the display module built.

Posted ed_mann in Computers & Technology